Village walks

Cosgrove has many Public Footpaths allowing you to take in the peace and quiet, nature and wildlife our countryside provides.
Use these Village walks pages to determine footpaths and routes in our Parish, places of interest and where to find shelter or enjoy food & drink, in one of our village pubs.
An easy access map, showing bridleways and public footpaths is available to view here.
The benefits of exercise are now firmly recognised and with so many available walking routes and places to see in the parish, Cosgrove offers the perfect environment to get out and reap the rewards. All Public Footpaths and bridleways in the parish are accessible, providing excellent opportunities to visit parts of the parish well away from roads and traffic noise.
With the Grand Union Canal passing through the middle of the village, the towpath is a level route that can be explored. The canal towpath can be joined at the bridge, horse tunnel or from Lock Lane. Please respect people on moored boats when walking by, as they may wish to sit at the canal side or close to the towpath.
There are no Rights to Roam in the area, so when venturing into the countryside you are requested to keep to bridleways and footpaths, keep dogs under control, pick up after your dog and dispose of responsibly. Dog and Litter Bins are provided around the village and are emptied weekly at peak periods.
Dog walkers must make every effort to pick up after their dog in the open countryside. Not only is it unpleasant for walkers to tread in, it may be extremely dangerous to grazing cattle. A decease known as Neosporosis is caused when infected dogs or foxes release infective oocysts in their faeces. Cattle are infected when consuming feed or water that is contaminated with oocysts from an infected dog. This is known to be the cause of over 20% of abortions in UK cattle and results in infected cattle being destroyed.
Risk of transmission is reduced when dog walkers clean up after their dog and dispose of it responsibly.

General walking information:
The condition of our Rights of Way vary so much depending on the time of year, so you are advised to always wear walking boots or shoes to protect your feet and ankles on uneven ground.
Around the parish you will see that the newer way-markers are yellow arrows on a white disc, indicating public footpaths. Blue arrows on a white disc indicate the route of bridleways. In Northamptonshire you'll still see way-markers with a black arrow inside a white disc, the type of path will be described on the disc. Special circular walk waymarks are also displayed on routes that are featured in the leaflet, attached below.
Always follow the country code, keep dogs under control, especially near farm animals and leave gates as you find them. On bridleways, expect to meet cycles and horses.
There is limited parking in Cosgrove, so please be considerate to residents by not blocking driveways, footpaths or field gates.
West Northamtonshire Council's website provides a suitable map, that allows you to select the area of interest and zoom in to view the level of detail required, to view click here.